Mass Times

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Welcome to St Michael’s Catholic Church

We’re glad you’re here!

St Michael’s is a Catholic church in Cape Town, within the leafy suburb of Rondebosch. Situated at the foot of Table Mountain near the University of Cape Town we are dedicated to discipleship, growing in Christ and making His love tangible in our parish, community and the world around us.

Orthodox in our Roman Catholic faith, we are a vibrant community with strong preachers, an inspiring youth ministry, a wide range of active ministries and excellent music.

Welcome to St Michael’s Catholic Church

We’re glad you’re here!

St Michael’s is a Catholic church in Cape Town, within the leafy suburb of Rondebosch.  Situated at the foot of Table Mountain near the University of Cape Town we are dedicated to discipleship, growing in Christ and making His love tangible in our parish, community and the world around us.

Orthodox in our Roman Catholic faith, we are a vibrant community with strong preachers, an inspiring youth ministry, a wide range of active ministries and excellent music.

Mass Times

Saturdays: 5.00pm
Sundays: 7.30am (From 16 April 2023)

9.00am (Traditional Choir)

10.00am – Kolbe UCT only

6.00pm (Genesis Band and Choir)

Weekdays: Mon, Tue & Thur – 6.00pm

Tues & Thurs – 5pm (Kolbe)

Wednesdays – 6.30am and 9.30am

Wednesdays – 13.05 (UCT Campus)

Fridays / Public Holidays – 9.00am


Confession is available every Saturday of the month, at 9am and again at 16H15 (1 April to 23 Sept).


St Michaels is no longer streaming as it has been phased out in the archdiocese.

Mass times

Easter masses – see top of home page.

Saturdays: 5.00pm
Sundays: 7.30am

9.00am (Traditional Choir)

10.00am – Kolbe

6.00pm (Genesis Band and Choir)

Weekdays: Mon, Tue & Thur – 6.00pm

Tues & Thurs – 5pm (Kolbe)

Wednesdays – 6.30am and 9.30am

Wednesdays – 13.05 (UCT Campus)

Fridays / Public Holidays – 9.00am


Confession is available every Saturday of the month, at 9am and again at 16H15 (1 April to 23 Sept).


St Michaels is no longer streaming as it is being phased out in the archdiocese.

© St Michaels Catholic Church 2020 | Website development sponsored by Engage24