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If you would like to become a regular giver to St Michaels, please see the section on planned giving below.
If you would you like to make a contribution to St Michaels now, please do so via EFT, debit/credit card or Snapscan.
Standard Bank, Rondebosch
St Michaels Catholic Church
Acc # – 071 494 847
Br Code – 025 009
Current Account
Please note that we do not have card facilities on the church premises, and this option is only available online.
Enter the Rand amount you would like to contribute:
Please scan the code below:
If you would like to become a regular giver to St Michaels, please see the section on planned giving below.
If you would you like to make a contribution to St Michaels now, please do so via EFT, debit/credit card or Snapscan.
Standard Bank, Rondebosch
St Michaels Catholic Church
Acc # – 071 494 847
Br Code – 025 009
Current Account
Please note that we do not have card facilities on the church premises, and this option is only available online.
Enter the Rand amount you would like to contribute:
Please scan the code below:
We have an awesome parish and it is wonderful to be a part of it and to share in its amazing resources. We remain a vibrant community with exquisite facilities, a range of ministries on offer and generous parishioners in so many ways. Undoubtedly, we have so much to be grateful for.
And we would love to do more: for the poor, for struggling parishes, for the youth and for the parish as a whole. But to do that we do need your financial support.
At St Michaels, we encourage regular contributions wherever possible. Planned giving is where you pledge a specific amount, upfront, to the parish and then make that payment weekly or monthly or annually. A contribution that is regular and consistent is very important and helps us tremendously – it enables us to plan better and hopefully it helps you too with your planning.
We are often asked who should give to St Michaels and the answer is that we should all want to give. The church talks about stewardship and this includes giving of time, treasure and talent. It says that as stewards of God’s gifts, we are not passive beneficiaries and that we are obliged to be collaborators and cooperators in continuing the work of Jesus on earth.
Put simply, we cannot just take but should be giving as well.
We are also often asked how much we should give. There is no set amount and you should give what you can but as a guideline we recommend that you give the equivalent of 1/40th of your earnings per month, that is one hour per week. For those who have left school, think of the equivalent of a couple of beers or a pizza.
We remain grateful for everyone who already contributes t0 St Michaels in so many ways.
A reminder that EFTs are our preferred and safest method, followed by Snapscan and the plate.
To become a regular donor, please contact Dee at the parish office. Please be assured that your pledge details are secure and only seen by the planned giving secretary and our parish priest, Fr Harrie.
Standard Bank, Rondebosch
St Michaels Catholic Church
Acc # – 071 494 847
Br Code – 025 009
Current Account
We have an awesome parish and it is wonderful to be a part of it and to share in its amazing resources. We remain a vibrant community with exquisite facilities, a range of ministries on offer and generous parishioners in so many ways. Undoubtedly, we have so much to be grateful for.
And we would love to do more: for the poor, for struggling parishes, for the youth and for the parish as a whole. But to do that we do need your financial support.
At St Michaels, we encourage regular contributions wherever possible. Planned giving is where you pledge a specific amount, upfront, to the parish and then make that payment weekly or monthly or annually. A contribution that is regular and consistent is very important and helps us tremendously – it enables us to plan better and hopefully it helps you too with your planning.
We are often asked who should give to St Michaels and the answer is that we should all want to give. The church talks about stewardship and this includes giving of time, treasure and talent. It says that as stewards of God’s gifts, we are not passive beneficiaries and that we are obliged to be collaborators and cooperators in continuing the work of Jesus on earth.
Put simply, we cannot just take but should be giving as well.
We are also often asked how much we should give. There is no set amount and you should give what you can but as a guideline we recommend that you give the equivalent of 1/40th of your earnings per month, that is one hour per week. For those who have left school, think of the equivalent of a couple of beers or a pizza.
We remain grateful for everyone who already contributes t0 St Michaels in so many ways.
A reminder that EFTs are our preferred and safest method, followed by Snapscan and the plate.
To become a regular donor, please contact Dee at the parish office. Please be assured that your pledge details are secure and only seen by the planned giving secretary and our parish priest, Fr Harrie.
Standard Bank, Rondebosch
St Michaels Catholic Church
Acc # – 071 494 847
Br Code – 025 009
Current Account