Primary School Catechism
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Grades 1-5) is a sensorially rich experience for children from the ages of 3 –12 years. It gives them the opportunity to grow in the love and knowledge of God.
Catechism classes (Grades 6&7) are a hybrid of the methods of the Good Shepherd and LifeTeen Edge programmes, which reflect the transitory stage of the children.
Life Teen and Confirmation
Life Teen is run every Sunday during the school year for High School learners. LifeTeen is a successful, US-based faith formation programme which St Michaels has been running since 2015. It is led by our youth co-ordinator and a core team of 8 –15 young adults.
This exceptional programme brings all high school grades together for inspiring Life Nights on Sunday evenings. Life Teen is relational and Christ-centered, and aims to lead teens closer to Christ through building community; sharing input; encouraging small group discussion and providing opportunities for prayer.
Life Teen starts in the hall after the 6pm mass on Sundays, and lasts until 8:45pm. New teens are welcome to come for a week to get a feel for it. Parents are invited to make contact with Lauren Sanby (Life Teen facilitator) so we know to expect them, although they are also welcome to just walk in.
When teens reach Grade 11, we accompany them on a journey to Confirmation. We meet once a week for a year, at a time chosen by the whole group. Confirmation takes place in the fourth quarter.
Young Adults
Genesis is our vibrant young adults’ programme (post school to 30) and was designed to provide the young adults with a platform with which to experience and express their faith, with, and among their peers and within the greater parish community.
In existence since 2003, it is led by a team of young adults, is event driven and has four key pillars and three support pillars, each providing a series of events aimed at bringing young adults to a real and deeper encounter with Christ.
The programme has four main pillars (Spirituality, Service, Knowledge & Friendship) and three support pillars (Music, Marketing & Finance) with a pillar leader and sub-committee for each.
To get involved, contact Joe, our Genesis leader or one of the pillar leaders. You can also join us at one of the events which are publicised at mass and in the weekly digital newsletter, or follow us on social media.
Children and Toddlers
The Genesis Kids’ programme runs on Sundays during the first half of the 9am mass and is a wonderfully nurturing place for young children to begin their journey with Christ.
Genesis Tots meets weekly during the school term on alternate Tuesday mornings and Wednesday afternoons and caters for infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers.
Genesis Moms and Genesis Dads caters for the moms and dads, bringing them together as individual groups and collectively for events and fellowship.
Adult Discipleship
We strive to be loyal followers of Christ, dedicated to lifelong learning about Him and His teachings, to be tangible in the way we live our lives and as a constant testament to His calling to each one of us.
When you register with the parish, you will receive the Daily Devotion and weekly newsletter. The newsletter will contain notifications of discipleship related events. In addition, keep an eye out for the next Alpha course and RCIA.
Alpha is a Christian course which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of inspiring videos and discussion. At last count, it was estimated it has been run in over 100 countries, in over 100 languages, with over 24 million people having taken the course.
The course is run once a week for ten weeks and a meal is served at every session. After the meal, an episode is screened and then everyone breaks into small groups for discussion.
RCIA is a process that prospective converts to Catholicism undergo to come into full communion with the Church. It is aimed at adults and candidates are gradually introduced to aspects of Catholic beliefs and practices. The process is also used for those Catholic and non-Catholics who want to learn more about the Catholic Faith.
The course runs for a year, every Monday night (apart from holidays) culminating in the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night.
Faith Sharing Groups
A Small Faith-Sharing Group is a gathering together of the community in small groups to strengthen their faith. Meetings generally take place in someone’s home and each session includes a bible reading, reflection, discussion and conclusion with prayer.
St Michael’s is renowned for its music and has a rich tradition going back many years.
The St Michael’s choir (9am mass) is lead by choir master and organist, Johann Swanepoel, and comprises over 20 singers, singing traditional and classical music.
The Genesis Band and Choir sings at the 6pm Sunday mass. Led by Adrian Van Stolk, the style is contemporary gospel and the band comprises drums, keys, guitar and bass and a range of classical instruments including wind, strings and brass.
At St Michael’s, we believe that, as disciples, we should answer Christ’s call to serve, not only within our parish, but also within the greater community in Rondebosch and in Cape Town. We strive to follow the principles and themes of the Church’s Social Teaching:
- Human dignity
- Subsidiarity
- Solidarity and the common good
- Charity
- Distributism and social justice
- Sanctity of human life and dignity of the person
- A call to family, community, and participation and pursuit of the common good
- Rights and responsibilities and social justice
- Preferential option for the poor and vulnerable
- Dignity of work and the rights of workers
- Solidarity and the universal destiny of the goods of the Earth
- Care for God’s creation